
ashley [at] recworcester.org | ext. 105
阿什利在马萨诸塞州出生和长大。她在佛蒙特大学获得了可持续景观园艺学士学位,并在新英格兰的农场工作了多年。她对永续农业的热爱和旅行的雄心将她带到了尼加拉瓜几年,然后回到马萨诸塞州并潜入伍斯特的食品系统工作。她管理着一个以美国为中心的新社区农场,该农场种植并向整个伍斯特和社区 CSA 以及包括 REC 周六农贸市场的社区出售具有文化意义的农产品。 她现在负责协调 REC 社区农贸市场计划,包括我们的移动农贸市场。她对加强伍斯特、一个市场、一个客户和一个农场的粮食安全充满热情。
eliza [at] recworcester.org | ext. 110
2014 年从克拉克大学毕业后,伊丽莎在 YouthGROW 项目中担任了 3 个暑假的青年导师,在那里她爱上了青年工作和园艺。 2018 年,她加入了马萨诸塞州承诺奖学金 AmeriCorps,担任花园教育研究员,为 YouthGROW 和学校花园计划服务。伊丽莎随后作为员工和我们的第一位学校花园协调员加入了团队,在那里她与各个年龄段的学生一起实施基于花园的课程。工作之余,Eliza 喜欢和朋友一起做饭、跳舞、溜冰,以及在她自己的社区花园里和邻居一起园艺。

grace [at] recworcester.org | ext. 111
作为伍斯特和主要南部本地人,格蕾丝是雅各布希亚特磁铁学校、沙利文中学和南高中的骄傲校友,后来在哥伦比亚大学和克拉克大学毕业。格蕾丝首先爱上了食品正义和 REC,因为他是一名参与 YouthGROW 计划的 Mass Promise Fellow AmeriCorps 成员,在 AmeriCorps 担任我们的 YouthGROW 协调员两年后加入我们的员工团队。她目前担任我们的项目主任,并代表 REC 社区担任中央 MA 青年工作联盟的联合主席、健康大伍 斯特联盟的指导委员会成员和伍斯特食品政策委员会、中央 MA Grown 的董事会成员,市长粮食安全特别工作组成员。当她不在 REC 时,她喜欢尝试新餐厅并与她的孩子一起制作艺术。

Owen Chase (he/him)
Farm Associate
owen [at] recworcester.org
Owen Chase is a YouthGROW graduate who has been with the REC since 2019. He found his passion for agriculture through the program and says it sparked a commitment to feeding the community. Now a student at Clark University, Owen majors in Global Environmental Studies with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Alongside his studies, Owen founded Just For Fun Farms, delivering freshly grown microgreens to local farmers markets, restaurants, and community members.

Shanice Nelson (she/her)
Farmers Market Warehouse Assistant
Shanice Nelson was born and raised in Worcester, MA. She was a South High graduate of 2006 (Go Colonels!) Shanice joined the REC in 2022 and says it has been an amazing experience. Shanice has a passion for helping others. She says "I know all too well what it is to not have enough food at the table. I'm going to do what I can to end food insecurity, one fruit and vegetable at a time." When Shanice is not at work you can find her with her children or at one of the community fridges donating food.

steve [at] recworcester.org | ext. 106
REC 执行董事 Steve Fischer 在过去 30 年一直在伍斯特市生活和工作。他在社区组织、竞选宣传、青年发展和非营利组织管理方面拥有 20 多年的经验。 20 年前,史蒂夫开始在 REC 担任 YouthGROW 计划的志愿者。从那时起,他一直担任董事会成员、项目工作人员,并于 2009 年 10 月成为 REC 的执行董事。工作之余,Steve 喜欢与他的妻子、孩子和他的狗 Poochie 在户外度过时光。
tracy [at] recworcester.org | ext. 102

vanessa [at] recworcester.org
Valeria Niyonkuru 是布隆迪农民和 REC 的农场导师。 Valeria 支持 YouthGROW 农场文化作物生产。她与 YouthGROW 团队合作,对青年和成年员工进行文化成长实践培训。在 REC 之外,Valeria 在 New Lands Farm 工作并拥有/经营 Misigaro 农场。

andrew [at] recworcester.org
阿什利在马萨诸塞州出生和长大。她在佛蒙特大学获得了可持续景观园艺学士学位,并在新英格兰的农场工作了多年。她对永续农业的热爱和旅行的雄心将她带到了尼加拉瓜几年,然后回到马萨诸塞州并潜入伍斯特的食品系统工作。她管理着一个以美国为中心的新社区农场,该农场种植并向整个伍斯特和社区 CSA 以及包括 REC 周六农贸市场的社区出售具有文化意义的农产品。 她现在负责协调 REC 社区农贸市场计划,包括我们的移动农贸市场。她对加强伍斯特、一个市场、一个客户和一个农场的粮食安全充满热情。

noel [at] recworcester.org | ext. 108
诺埃尔一生大部分时间都对自然和生态充满热情。当深入宾夕法尼亚州立大学的园艺课程时,这种热情就出现了。不久之后,Noel 在 2013 年搬到伍斯特后加入了 REC。将对自然和社会正义的热情相结合是梦想成真。不工作时,Noel 喜欢与家人共度时光、听音乐和烹饪。

Katie Flanagan (she/her)
Development Associate
katie [at] recworcester.org | ext. 112
Katie graduated from Holy Cross in 2021 with a degree in sociology and gender studies. During her first week of college, Katie volunteered at the YouthGROW Farm and has been involved with the REC ever since as a YouthGROW Youth Mentor, Earth Day Coordinator, and Farmers Market Manager. Working with each of the REC's programs has strengthened Katie's passion for food justice, youth work, and urban farming. Now, as the Development Associate, Katie looks forward to spreading the REC's mission and supporting each program to increase their reach and impact in the Worcester community. Outside of work, Katie enjoys being outdoors with friends, playing soccer, listening to music, and sewing.

Sadie Price-Elliott
Program Evaluator and Farmers Market Assistant
sadie [at] recworcester.org
Sadie grew up in Northwest New Jersey, where she first explored her interests in outdoor space and community food systems. A recent graduate of Clark University, Sadie has loved learning from and connecting with members of the Worcester community by working REC farmers markets. Currently a master’s student studying Community, Development, and Planning at Clark, Sadie is excited to deepen her commitment to food justice through continued work with REC as a market staff and program evaluation staff. Outside of work, Sadie enjoys bicycling, journaling, and spending time with loved ones.

steven.m [at] recworcester.org | ext. 104
Steven Murphy 自 2013 年以来一直住在伍斯特,并在居住在 Main South 社区时作为社区园丁首次熟悉 REC。 Steven 是 REC 的行政主管,曾在 Earn-A-Bike Worcester 董事会和 CMRPC Brownfields 咨询委员会任职。 Steven 拥有克拉克大学的社区发展和规划硕士学位。_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 当他不在 REC 时,Steven 喜欢骑自行车并与他的配偶和两个孩子共度时光。

tom [at] recworcester.org | ext. 100
Tom Trepanier 于 2011 年毕业于 UMASS Amherst,获得植物土壤和昆虫科学学位,并专注于可持续食品和农业。汤姆曾在马萨诸塞州不同规模的多种农场工作。在过去的三年里,汤姆一直是 REC 的农场经理,与 YouthGROW 密切合作。当被问及他喜欢 REC 的哪些方面时,Tom 说:“这里的每个人都对他们所做的事情充满热情,这体现在我们所做的工作中。”在 REC 之外,您可以看到 Tom 带着他的狗 Carrot 穿过当地的公园和远足小径。

valeria [at] recworcester.org
Valeria Niyonkuru 是布隆迪农民和 REC 的农场导师。 Valeria 支持 YouthGROW 农场文化作物生产。她与 YouthGROW 团队合作,对青年和成年员工 进行文化成长实践培训。在 REC 之外,Valeria 在 New Lands Farm 工作并拥有/经营 Misigaro 农场。
Commonwealth Corps Members

Lauren Eppinger (she/her)
Commonwealth Corps Member
School Gardens Specialist
Throughout her life, Lauren has had a love for the environment doing activities such as working with 4H programs, gardening, and managing trails. She graduated from WPI with her bachelors in Environmental Engineering and Gender Studies, and a minor in International and Global Studies, which helped solidify that she wanted to work in some aspect of environmental justice. Lauren is a Commonwealth Corps member doing a year of service at REC working mostly with the school gardens program. When not at work, she likes to spend time with her dog, Noodle, and her two cats, Gene and Jack. She also loves spending time outside hiking, biking, and playing pickup sports.

Chhimi Sherpa (she/her)
Commonwealth Corps Member
Farm and Garden Specialist
Chhimi graduated with a Masters in Environmental Science & Policy from Clark University. Born and raised in Nepal, Chhimi carries personal and professional experiences in Nepal and the United States. She is passionate about working in the intersection of food justice, climate change and public health. Outside of work, Chhimi finds joy in cooking, traveling to new places, photography, and spending time in nature.
YouthGROW Junior Staff

Erica Ramirez
YouthGROW Team
Junior Staff
Hello, my name is Erica! I'm the class president of the class of 2026 at Worcester Technical Highschool and have been working at YouthGROW since the summer of 2022. I enjoy learning and exploring new things and through the years working at the REC I have been able to do that as well as meet new people.

Timmy Huynh
YouthGROW Team
Junior Staff
My name is Timmy Huynh and I am 17 years old. I am a lion dancer for the Eternal Lion Dance team and I am president of the junior class at South Community High School. I am studying virtual reality and computer science and am planning to work in the field. Some extra fun facts about me are that I am a bassist, I have 2 cats, and I regularly bike around Worcester.
Andrew Balthazar
YouthGROW Team
Junior Staff
Hello, my name is Andrew. I'm 16, and I enjoy spending my time with my friends or pursuing my many creative endeavors. In my spare time, I love expanding my knowledge on religion, politics, and investment opportunities. I'm passionate about music production, debate, fictional writing, and physical activity. I have many aspirations but hope in the future to be doing something creative, fulfilling, and helpful.

Gastien Naikara
YouthGROW Team
Junior Staff
Hello, my name is Gastien and I have been working at YouthGROW for 3 years. A few fun things about me is I enjoy playing soccer and this past season won 2 soccer tournaments. My favorite player is Messi and I also like to play Fifa. In YouthGROW one of my favorite tasks is working on the compost.

Jalyna Santos
YouthGROW Team
Junior Staff
A fun fact about me is that my favorite color is green (hence my green hair!) My main hobbies include gardening, traveling, shopping, art, cooking/baking, and music! A dream I have for my future is to continue pursuing a job in agriculture and even start my own small business creating my own products such as skin care, fashion, plants, and food. I also enjoy playing the electric guitar.